
Case Study: How Racialized Lived Experiences and Culturally Responsive School Leadership Supported School District’s Organizational Development in Equitable Practices

May 2022 | Lisa Collins and Muhammad Khalifa

This research poster and audio presentation from the University Council of Educational Administration’s 2023 annual conference share highlights from the authors’ work as equity consultants for a school district in Oregon. Authors share the background, theory of change, goal of work, and learning and findings from training 465 district and school leaders during the 2020–21 academic year. In order to provide students with safety, welcome, inclusion, empowerment, and academic success, the researchers affirm that an outside equity consultant, who has lived experience, can provide a fresh view. This research affirms that providing prolonged engagement with professional development that addresses antiracist practices helps leaders look at their own roles and also at how to make organizational and systems-level changes.

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