Building Partnerships to Support High-Quality P-3 Teacher Preparation in California

The Learning Policy Institute and co-sponsors Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), California Community College Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE), California County Superintendents, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), and Partnerships in Education, Articulation, and Collaboration in Higher Education (PEACH) hosted this interactive webinar to discuss the current policy landscape, funding opportunities, and emerging ECE workforce initiatives across the state. The webinar explored strategies to support the development of a high-quality early childhood education workforce across a range of settings. Through short presentations and small group discussions, we aimed to create a deeper understanding of what it will take to build equitable early educator workforce pipelines. Building off of the conversation we began in our June 30 event, we identified ways to align, articulate, and integrate work across sectors in a way that amplifies the work many are already doing. This event was designed for leaders in school districts, county offices, and institutions of higher education that offer early childhood and/or elementary teacher preparation programs as well as community-based early childhood education organizations. This event was intended to help strengthen partnerships to build a strong and diverse pipeline of early childhood educators who can provide high-quality learning experiences for California’s children and families.