
The Black and Hispanic/Latino Male Teacher Networked Improvement Community: Promising Practices to Recruit and Retain Male Teachers of Color

Phase II

February 2019 | AACTE

This multimedia resource from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) details the second phase in a larger program designed to implement networked improvement communities (NICs) to diversify the teacher workforce to include Black and Hispanic/Latino male teachers. The introductory video features a panel of Black and Hispanic/Latino male educators who share how their research has led them to use a collective approach to address this diversity issue at the campus level as well as generationally and discipline-wide. The resource highlights  the following evidence-based approaches to addressing this issue: reducing barriers, developing partnerships, building recruitment pathways, mentorship, and education preparatory program faculty training. The resource also links to 10 case studies from member institutions.

Recent Resources

Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun