Research Report

Beyond Burnout: A Roadmap to Improve Educator Well-Being

July 2023 | Educators Thriving

This brief by Educators Thriving highlights the critical shortage of staff in education and the increasing trend of teachers and principals intending to leave the profession. In response, a collaborative effort between Educators Thriving and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) prioritized educator well-being through a blend of personal and professional development. AFT members participating in experiences that integrated personal skills with professional growth reported significant enhancements in well-being, unveiling practical strategies to alleviate burnout. Educators expressed gratitude for the opportunity to supplement professional development with personal growth, deeming it one of the most meaningful professional development experiences. The authors note that the initiative not only equipped and empowered educators but also cultivated a sense of connection across districts, underscoring the significance of a comprehensive approach to supporting educator well-being.

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Research Reports
Amber Thompson, Chander Lewis, Jahnette Wilson, Robert McPherson, Paula Calderon, Locord Wilson, Nadine Gilbert, and Robin Lock