EdPrepLab at AERA 2023
8:00 AM CT
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT

In-person: Chicago, April 13-16, 2023 | Virtual: May 4-5, 2023
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting was held in person on April 13-16, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois and virtually on May 4-5, 2023. We are excited that members from several EdPrepLab institutions presented over the course of the convention. See below for a list of session titles, presenters, dates, and times.
Learn more about the annual meeting here.
EdPrepLab-affiliated institutions are indicated with:
An Intersectional Approach to Differential Item Functioning
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower - Exhibit Level, Riverside West Exhibition Hall
Mike Russell, Boston College
Erin Winters, Boston College
Degrees of Alignment: Comparing Urban Catholic School System Leaders' and Principals' Perceptions of Factors Contributing to School Success
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 4th Floor, Grace
Charles Tower Cownie, Boston College
Audrey A. Friedman, Boston College
Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Boston College
Kierstin M. Giunco, OLPH Mission Grammar School
Andrew F. Miller, Boston College
Annie Smith, National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
Starting With Support: Promising Practices and Pitfalls in Leadership Induction
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Erie
Cynthia Kay Barron, University of Illinois
Marjorie Wechsler, Learning Policy Institute
Bryan Van Gronigen, University of Delaware
Lauren Bailes, University of Utah
The Artist in Learning: A Proposed New Pedagogical Hierarchy
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Ohio
Jennifer Bartee, University of District of Columbia
Development and Evolution of Teacher Dispositions Framework and Assessment
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor B2, Imperial Ballroom
Chris Burkett, University of South Carolina
Christie Martin, University of South Carolina
Beth White, University of South Carolina
Rachel Curcio, University of North Florida
Fighting for Our Rights: Examining African Immigrant Youth's Civic Engagement Through Youth Participatory Action Research
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich C
Michelle G. Knight-Manuel, Teachers College, Columbia University
Natacha Robert, Teachers College, Columbia University
Sibel Akin-Sabuncu, TED University
Nicole Limperopulos, Bank Street College of Education
Michelle Palestine Burris, The Century Foundation
The Impact of a University-District Partnership on an Educational Leadership Preparation Program (roundtable presentation)
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Kathleen M. W. Cunningham, University of South Carolina
David Osworth, University of South Carolina
Suzy Hardie, University of South Carolina
Peter Moyi, University of South Carolina
Mary Gaskins, Lexington School District One
Natalie Osborne Smith, Lexington School District One
District Support in Creating a System of Leading Teachers for Whole Child Education
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Colorado
Barnett Berry, University of South Carolina
Natalie Fenderstock, University of California, Los Angeles
Marisa Saunders, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter Moyi, University of South Carolina
Interrogating and Reauthoring Savage Inequalities: Exploring Urban Educational Environment Truths Through Community Cultural Wealth
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower- Ballroom Level, Grand Hall L
Toby S. Jenkins, University of South Carolina
Ishwanzya D Rivers, University of Louisville
Raquel Farmer-Hinton, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Joi D. Lewis, Joi Unlimited
Marvin Lynn, University of Colorado, Denver
Mirelsie Velázquez, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign
Dallas Watson, Macalester College
Tara J. Yosso, University of California, Riverside
Dorinda Carter Andrews, Michigan State University
Lori Patton Davis, The Ohio State University
Paternal Influence on Gifted High-Achieving Millennial Males
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Thomas P. Hébert, University of South Carolina
Epistemic Agency in Science Lessons with Educational Robots
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 4:40 pm CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, 4th floor, Clark – 1/2 Marriott Ballroom
Lucas Vasconcelos, University of South Carolina
Cory Gleasman, Tennessee Technological University
Duygu Umutlu, Bogazici University
ChanMin Kim, Pennsylvania State University
"Reciprocal Relationships" Benefits to Yearlong Immersive Programs in Urban Schools
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 4:40 pm CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich B
Veronica Fife-Demski, Ball State University
Kirsten Robbins, Ball State University
Jerry Woodward, Ball State University
"Seeing Those Changes": How a University-District Leadership Preparation Partnership Transforms and Informs Through Simultaneous Renewal
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 8:00 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V, Roundtable 6
Rachel Garver, Montclair State University
Shanna Anderson, Montclair State University
Kate Meza Fernandez, Montclair State University
Sharon Lai-LaGrotteria, Montclair State University
Donna Volpe, Montclair State University
Supporting K-12 Educators with Personalized Professional Learning: Impact and Quality of a Professional Development Program
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor, B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Xumei Fan, University of South Carolina
Ashlee Lewis, University of South Carolina
Ning Jiang, Measurement Incorporated
The Reimagined Truths About International Students of Color's Racialized Experiences in the United States
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Colorado
Christina W. Yao, University of South Carolina
Theorizing Time and Space in Empirical Research: Potentials and Possibilities
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Lucerne 1
Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina
Understanding, Responding to, and Valuing Student Writers through Reflective Tools and Practices
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 6th Floor, Indiana
Lucy Spence, University of South Carolina
Sarah McCarthey, University of Illinois, Urban Champaign
Jayne Lamers, University of Rochester
Alicia Marie Magnifico, University of New Hampshire
Sonia Kline, Illinois State University
Grace Kang, Illinois State University
AERA Working Roundtable: Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers (TOCIT) Recruitment & Retention
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich F
Jennifer Robinson, Montclair State University
Carolina Gonzalez, Montclair State University
Developing Disruptors for/With Equity Part 2: Purposeful Partnerships (Workshop)
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Mississippi
Kathleen M. W. Cunningham, University of South Carolina
Michelle Young, Loyola Marymount University
Ann O'Doherty, University of Washington
Investigating the Effects of Online Administration on Parent Responses to a School Climate Survey
Friday, April 14, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 7th Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon III
Tiejun Zhang, University of South Carolina
Mihaela Ene, University of South Carolina
Elizabeth A. Leighton, University of South Carolina
Christine DiStefano, University of South Carolina
Diane M. Monrad, University of South Carolina
Stories of arts, embodiment, and praxis in P-20 leader preparation
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 8:00 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Colorado
Lihi Rosenthal, University of California, Berkeley
Soraya Sablo Sutton, University of California, Berkeleyy
Nives Wetzel de Cediel, University of California, Berkeley
John Scott, University of California, Berkeley
Jessica Evans, University of California, Berkeley
Teacher modeling intellectual humility increases interest in math
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 8:00 am CT
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: West Tower - Ballroom Level, Regency C
Tenelle Porter, Ball State University
Andrei Cimpian, New York University
The Consequences of a Medicalized Response to Disproportionality Research: Reexamining How Disproportionality is Taken Up
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 9:00 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Soyoung Park, Bank Street College of Education
Affective Arts Education: Forming the Foundation for a New Philosophy of Arts Education
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Lobby-Level 3, Streeterville
Jennifer Bartee, University of District of Columbia
Embodying Analysis: Exploring Disability Studies in Education Multimodal Approaches to Reconsidering Data
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Chicago Ballroom X
Katherine Newhouse, New York University
Rae Leeper, Bank Street College of Education
Supporting At-Promise Children for Kindergarten Readiness: Impact of a Summer Transition Program
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor, 2nd Level, State Room
Xumei Fan, University of South Carolina
Leigh D’Amico, University of South Carolina
Janice Kilburn, First Steps
Alexis Jones, First Steps
Chelsea Richard, First Steps
Sommer Garrett, University of South Carolina
Logan Leverage, University of South Carolina
Educational Expectations and Residential Aspirations of Diverse Rural Youth: A Self Determination Theory Perspective
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 7th Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon III
Greysi Irdam, University of South Carolina
Angela D. Starrett, University of South Carolina
Matthew J. Irvin, University of South Carolina
Christine R. Lotter, University of South Carolina
Jan A. Yow, University of South Carolina
Preservice Teachers' Questions about Classroom Assessment
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Lisa DaVia Rubenstein, Ball State University
Natalie Schelling, Indiana University-Kokomo
SRERA Distinguished Paper Session #3
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile, 4th Floor, King Arthur Court
Bryndle L. Bottoms, University of South Carolina
AERA Working Roundtable: "So Much Was Invisible to Me": Illuminating Community Wealth Through Activist Internships in Teacher Education
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 2:50 pm CT
Location: Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor: B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Tanya Maloney, Montclair State University
Bree Picower, Montclair State University
How School Districts can Address the Needs of Students Furthest from Opportunity
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 8:00 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Lobby - Level 3, Columbus AB
Stephanie Levin, Learning Policy Institute
Daniel Espinoza, Learning Policy Institute
Peter Willis, Learning Policy Institute
Michael Griffith, Learning Policy Institute
Sara Plasencia, Learning Policy Institute
Tiffany Miller, Learning Policy Institute
Melissa Kull, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
A Bookmaking Project to Sustain the Cherokee Language
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Lucerne 1
Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina
Anna Howard, University of South Carolina
Asiye Demir, University of South Carolina
Collaborating With Indigenous Leaders to Create Books Counteracting Language Loss in Taiwan
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Lucerne 1
Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina
Ching-Ting Hsin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Ming-Fang Hsieh, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Ya-Lun Tsao, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Wan Chen Chang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Seeking Truth Through an Authentic Understanding of Teachers’ Lived Experiences
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Michigan B
Mark Nagasawa, Bank Street College of Education
Preparing Educators for Family and Community Engagement: A Spotlight on Co-Constructed Research Approaches
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 9:50 am CT
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 4th Floor, Addison - 1/2 Marriott Ballroom
Eva Zygmunt, Ball State University
Kristin Cipollone, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Wilisha Scaife, Ball State University
Critical Reflection, Professional Community, and Transformative Leadership
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Lobby - Level 3, Columbus AB
Rebecca Cheung, University of California, Berkeley
Aki Murata, University of California, Berkeley
Xueqin Lin, University of California, Berkeley
Equity at the Center: The Imperative to Reconceptualize Early Care and Education "Quality"
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 11:40 am CT
Location: Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich F
Mark Nagasawa, Bank Street College of Education
Samantha Melvin, Erikson Institute
Crystasany R. Turner, Erikson Institute
Sarika S. Gupta, Bank Street College of Education
Alexandra Figueras-Daniel, National Institute for Early Education Research
Learning Together, Leading Together: Interprofessional Preparation as Practice for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 4:40 pm CT
Location: Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Chicago Ballroom IX
Rebecca Cheung, University of California, Berkeley
Lihi Rosenthal, University of California, Berkeley
Kate Perry, University of California, Berkeley
Özge Hacifazlioglu, University of California, Berkeley
Transforming Early-Years Policy in the United States Centering Equity and Inclusion: Provocations and a Call to Action
Sunday, April 16, 2023 | 4:40 pm CT
Location: Sheraton Grande Chicago Riverwalk, Level 2 Ohio
Emmanuelle Fincham, Western Washington University
Mark Nagasawa, Bank Street College of Education
40 Years of Professional Development School Research: A Systematic Review of Methodology
Thursday, May 4, 2023 | 11:30 am CT
Location: Professional Development School Research SIG Virtual Paper Room
Kate Ascetta, University of South Carolina
Rachelle Curcio, University of North Florida
Rebecca B. Smith-Hill, University of South Carolina
Different Use of Scaffolding in Debugging Tasks with Different Complexity
Friday, May 5, 2023 | 8:00 am CT
Location: Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning SIG Virtual Paper Room
Lucas Vasconcelos, University of South Carolina
Duygu Umutlu, Bogazici University
Cory Gleasman, Tennessee Technological University
ChanMin Kim, Pennsylvania State University
Emphasis on Brilliance Discourages Intellectual Humility
Friday, May 5, 2023 | 9:45 am CT
Location: Adolescence and Youth Development SIG Virtual Session Room
Tenelle Porter, Ball State University
Andrei Cimpian, New York University
Articulating the Elusive: Unlocking Voices Through Teacher Research
Friday, May 5, 2023 | 11:30 am CT
Location: Teacher as Researcher SIG Virtual Roundtable Room
Elizabeth Currin, University of South Carolina
Entry Points for Equity: A Developmental Continuum of Justice-Centering Educational Leadership and Stretches for Growth
Friday, May 5, 2023 | 11:30 am CT
Location: Division A - Administration Virtual Paper Room
Jessica Blum-DeStefano, Bank Street College of Education
Eleanor E. Drago-Severson, Teachers College, Columbia University
Deborah Brooks-Lawrence
Factor structure and measurement invariance of the DCI for low-income couples in the US
Friday, May 5, 2023 | 4:15 pm CT
Location: Educational Measurement, Psychometrics, and Assessment Virtual Paper Room
Ryan G. Carlson, University of South Carolina
Ruiqin Gao, University of South Carolina